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Week 18

August 19, 2010 - L4D Team

Week 18: Last Man on Earth Returns!, Bill?, Favorite Mutation

Last Man On Earth Returns
You will become legend to the infected as the last human left.

You are the only Survivor left in the world. No split screen help. No Survivor bots. But don't worry you aren't entirely alone. While there are no common Infected, Special Infected will hunt you down and become close, close friends with you.

This Mutation is available in Single Player Mode.

Last week we asked if you had a guess to how Bill dies. We won’t be giving away the answer yet, you will have to wait for the final chapter of the comic for that. Until then, here are your guesses by platform:

28% Killed by Tank
24% Overrun by Zombies
20% Friendly Fire
16% Old Age
12% Killed by Witch

XBox 360
29% Killed by Tank
25% Overrun by Zombies
17% Old Age
16% Friendly Fire
13% Killed by Witch

Favorite Mutation?
While we still have more mutations to come, we are going to cycle through the first group for a few weeks. Excluding Realism Versus and Last Man On Earth, out of your previous favorites, which ones would you like to see come back?
To vote in this week's poll use the in-game blog.

Next week's Mutation? ????