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We Might Need a Recount!

June 23, 2010 - L4D Team

Voting is going strong for next week's Encore Mutation Poll.

On the 360 side, Chainsaw Massacre is the runway leader with 43% of the vote. On the PC side, we are quite a bit closer with Headshot! leading with only 33% over Chainsaw Massacre's 32%. This is a close race, so make sure to get your vote in by Thursday night!

What happens if the PC and Xbox 360 have different picks? They each get what they voted for. We created the system to accommodate this scenario. The different platforms can be running different Mutations.

When you are done voting, check out what the Left 4 Dead 1/2 community has been up to this past year.

We have been busy playing I Hate Mountains in L4D1 while we wait for the L4D2 version.

Gravitybomb has created a simple but very cool Left 4 Dead 1 poster.

Do you have visions of a Cheeseburger Apocalypse?

With the Portal 2 announcement at E3, we have all had cake on our mind. This google image search returns plenty of tasty images along with our favorite.

You can also always check out the L4D1 or L4D2 photo pages on Facebook for a ton of cool community pics.