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Get Ready to Rock

March 8, 2013 - L4D Team

Eddie Riggs from Brütal Legend has taken a break from fighting Doviculus and to help us in Left 4 Dead 2 land with our little zombie problem. He is sending over his battle-axe and guitar, so this weekend players can rock out and slay hordes of zombies.

Thanks to Double Fine, you can find Eddie’s weapons in the Brütal Legend’s Collection inside the L4D2 Workshop. Just visit the workshop, click subscribe, and next time you load up Left 4 Dead 2, you will have two new “axes”.

If you want to join Eddie along with Lemmy, Rob Halford, Ozzy Osbourne, Lita Ford and others fighting on the side of Heavy Metal – you can pick up Brütal Legend on Steam!

Let’s Rock!

What’s next for the L4D2 Workshop? We are working on some tutorials and new examples of how to create content for the Workshop.